The 20th edition of the EERA DeepWind conference took place in Trondheim, Norway on the 18-20 January 2023. EERA DeepWind, is an international research and innovation conference focused on topics related to deep sea offshore wind farms, including both bottom-fixed and floating. The X-ROTOR consortium was well represented at the conference with many partners participating.
The three-day conference was opened by Elisabeth Sæther State Secretary in Norway’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, who discussed the Norwegian’s government’s plans for offshore wind over the coming years. She was followed by SINTEF CEO Alexandra Bech Gjørv who called for the establishment of a European Centre of Excellence on offshore wind energy to solve research challenges and help making offshore wind a pillar of the European energy system. The conference chair John Olav Tand, Director of the NorthWind Centre recalled the achievements in the area of off-shore wind over the past two decades and contemplated what this experience can tell us about what we can expect in the next twenty years.
The conference held over three days, included a mix of plenary presentations with broad appeal and presentations in parallel sessions or by posters on specific science and technology themes. On the third day, the X-ROTOR consortium held a mini-symposium on the work of the project and the emerging results. The agenda comprised talks from across the work of the project including: the X-ROTOR concept and operation; CFD analysis and aerodynamic models; Structural models; Power take off systems; Social, economic and environmental aspects, and the Cost of energy modelling.
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X-ROTOR at the EERA DeepWind 2023 conference
The 20th edition of the EERA DeepWind conference took place in Trondheim, Norway on the 18-20 January 2023. EERA DeepWind, is an international research and innovation conference focused on topics related to deep sea offshore wind farms, including both bottom-fixed and floating. The X-ROTOR consortium was […]
Engaging the public about X-ROTOR
An X-ROTOR team (from UCC & UoS) held a public event at the picturesque Gaelic Centre (Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle) on the Isle of Islay, Scotland on Wednesday, 16-Nov-2022.
Fifteen community members from all walks of life participated in this workshop, which aimed to capture thoughts and opinions of societal […]
Modelling sea birds flight behaviour & distribution
Interactions between offshore wind farms and marine wildlife, especially seabirds, could lead to negative impacts (such as mortality associated with collision and/or displacement) on populations. It is therefore crucial to predict and identify such risks in order to limit them at every step of wind farm projects (prospecting, […]

The X-ROTOR project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation
under Grant Agreement No. 101007135.
The X-ROTOR project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation
under Grant Agreement No. 101007135.