The first in-person meeting of the project, took place in Barcelona on a sunny September 22nd hosted by GE Renewable Energy. All partners were represented and in addition, the Project Officer attended virtually and it was great to have his participation. We had an excellent meeting where project partners presented the progress they had made on the various tasks and received feedback from partners through very productive discussions.

It was a full-day meeting which was sufficient to cover all the work that been undertaken during the first half of the project and plan for the remainder of the project. While the topics were diverse and complex, the presenters did an excellent job of bridging that gap between highly technical analyses and delivering digestible information.

That evening our hosts treated the group to a wonderful meal at a seafood restaurant. Though the meal was excellent and the service attentive, the most rewarding experience of the evening was the chance to sit down with our colleagues and talk about the days insights as well as engage in that light banter that helps make friends of co-workers.

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  • Engaging the public about X-ROTOR

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european flag

The X-ROTOR project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation
under Grant Agreement No. 101007135.

The X-ROTOR project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation
under Grant Agreement No. 101007135.